Zelimir Boric
Graphic designer

Featured large-scale cycle: American Diary
“Living in America for a while, Boric did not choose the form of travel story. He makes a closed cycle, born from discipline, practice, rationalism, but never leaves classical constructing of picture.
A visual dilemma whether interpretation comes from detail to unity, or from the whole we perceive and uderstand details.”

We need to look at Zelimir Boric next to Mondrian, Maljevic, Vasarely, (…). He creates rhythms while painting the elements. In each detail you can feel the process of making art from microstructure to the entirety.
Djuro Vandjura

“During 1984 and 1985 Boric creates a diary of fresh , richly colorful and imaginative water-coloured paintings, emphasizing the particularity of American inspiration ( traditional patchwork ).
Through abstract language of shapes and outstanding freedom, the author points out spontaneity and imperfection within logical forms.”
American Diary is a modern music painting of already known elements ( geometry and minimalism )
Branka Hlevnjak
From the artist’s large-scale cycles, some of the paintings are presented here, together with review extracts by distinguished Croatian art historians and art critics, also, national museum and galleries curators.
Large scale cycles: